Expert Cloud Computing Security Services & Solutions with Minimal Disruption & Maximum Uptime


Expert Cyber Security Implementation
in the Cloud Era

Secure your digital journey in the cloud era. Our Cloud Security Services shield your data and operations, ensuring robust protection from evolving threats. Leverage our expertise for a resilient, safe cloud environment. Navigate the cloud confidently, ensuring safety and compliance. Let’s safeguard your cloud aspirations together.

Holistic Cyber Protection in the Cloud

Discover the advantages of streamlined operations, cost savings and robust tech solutions that drive SME growth and productivity.

Assessing your cloud infrastructure to identify vulnerabilities and recommending strategies to bolster defenses

Utilizing cutting-edge encryption techniques to safeguard your data both in-transit and at-rest in the cloud

Implementing advanced systems to detect potential threats and responding swiftly to neutralize them

Ensuring only authorized personnel can access your cloud resources, with layered access controls

Guiding you through the maze of regulatory requirements, ensuring your cloud architecture adheres to industry standards

Designing strategies to ensure business continuity, even in the face of cyber incidents, through backup and rapid recovery systems

Features & Benefits

Discover the advantages of streamlined operations, cost savings and robust tech solutions that drive SME growth and productivity.


Adapt to growing business demands without infrastructure constraints


Robust protocols and tools ensuring data protection and privacy plus mobility


Solutions fitting every business model: hybrid, public, or private clouds


Seamless integration with existing systems, ensuring uninterrupted operations

Our Process

How IT Setup Works for SMEs

Assessment & Strategy

Initial deep dive into your cloud setup to identify weak points and potential threats

Design & Architecture

Crafting a tailored security blueprint, integrating the best tools and practices


Seamlessly embedding security protocols without disrupting your operations

Maintenance & Updates

Ongoing support to ensure continuous protection against emerging threats


Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about our services? Dive into our frequently asked questions below to get a clearer understanding of our offerings, processes, and the value we bring. Your clarity is our priority.

How does a Cloud Solution Architect enhance cyber security?

A Cloud Solution Architect, such as our founder at Bilsha Ltd, merges cloud architecture expertise with cyber security best practices. This ensures a holistic approach, taking advantage of cloud features for advanced defense mechanisms and resilient designs.

Is cloud security different from traditional IT security?

Yes, while the foundational principles remain the same, cloud security introduces unique challenges and opportunities. Scalability, multi-tenancy, and API-based integrations all play roles, demanding tailored strategies for optimal protection.




What Our Clients Say

Hear from our satisfied clients and discover why Bilsha Tech is their top choice for cloud solutions, IT support, and seamless digital transitions.

Ali Levine

Partnering with Bilsha Tech revolutionized our IT. Zahin’s server hosting and software prowess, coupled with exceptional end-to-end support, let us focus on law, not tech hitches.

Zain Chowdhury

With Bilsha Tech’s help, our branches have never been more in sync. They’ve transformed our app, email, and software management, allowing us to focus on attending customer needs.

Secure your cloud journey with expert guidance.

Connect with our Cloud Solution Architects today for a tailored cyber security solution.