Expert Cloud Consulting Services Provider in the UK
for Medium to Large Enterprises


Certified Expert Cloud Consulting Services for Medium
to Large Enterprises in the UK

It’s time to move to the cloud! Take your Core Processes performance to the next level with Cloud-centric Innovations. We give it all – insights, strategies and technical expertise. Let’s make the move before your competitor catches on. Let’s connect and elevate your operations to the cloud today.

A Hassle-free cloud transition with Bilsha Ltd

Discover the advantages of streamlined operations, cost savings and robust tech solutions that drive SME growth and productivity.

Crafting bespoke cloud infrastructure strategies that align with your business needs, ensuring scalability and optimal resource utilization

Designing robust platforms for application development, focusing on the architectural intricacies and ensuring seamless infrastructure management

Envisioning and integrating cloud-based software solutions that elevate operational efficiency, making them universally accessible

Formulating and implementing advanced cloud security frameworks to fortify data protection and counteract cyber threats

Charting out meticulous cloud migration paths, and strategizing the integration of cloud solutions with legacy systems

Features & Benefits

Discover the advantages of streamlined operations, cost savings and robust tech solutions that drive SME growth and productivity.


Adapt to growing business demands without infrastructure constraints


Robust protocols and tools ensuring data protection and privacy plus mobility


Solutions fitting every business model: hybrid, public, or private clouds


Seamless integration with existing systems, ensuring uninterrupted operations

Our Process

How IT Setup Works for SMEs

Assessment & Strategy

We thoroughly analyze current infrastructures, discern business goals and carve out a cloud migration strategy that is both efficient and aligned with your objectives.

Design & Architecture

We then leverage our depth in cloud architecture to design robust, resilient and scalable cloud infrastructures that stand the test of time.

Migration & Deployment

This critical step ensures a smooth transition to the cloud, ensuring data integrity, minimal downtime and a seamless migration experience, all under our founder’s expert guidance.

Optimization & Management

Post-migration, we continuously monitor, manage and optimize cloud resources to ensure cost efficiency and peak performance for your enterprise.

Support & Evolution

We help you embrace the evolving cloud landscape with ongoing support, regular updates, and innovations ensuring your cloud infrastructure remains at the forefront of technology.


Frequently Asked Questions

Unlock the best IT solutions for your business. From robust cloud strategies to hands-on IT support, our expertise stands out, ensuring growth and stability.

What is a Cloud Service Provider (CSP)?

A Cloud Service Provider (CSP) offers a wide range of cloud services such as infrastructure, platforms, and software. They handle the management of cloud resources, enabling businesses to focus on their core operations. Bilsha Ltd is founded by expert Cloud Solutions Architect with 23 years of experience.

Why choose Zee at Bilsha Ltd as your Cloud Solution Architect?

Our founder, Mr. Zahin Memon, fondly known as Zee brings extensive experience of 23+ years and a deep understanding of cloud ecosystems to the table. His tailored approach ensures cloud solutions that align precisely with your business needs, promoting growth and sustainability.




What Our Clients Say

Hear from our satisfied clients and discover why Bilsha Tech is their top choice for cloud solutions, IT support, and seamless digital transitions.

Ali Levine

Partnering with Bilsha Tech revolutionized our IT. Zahin’s server hosting and software prowess, coupled with exceptional end-to-end support, let us focus on law, not tech hitches.

Zain Chowdhury

With Bilsha Tech’s help, our branches have never been more in sync. They’ve transformed our app, email, and software management, allowing us to focus on attending customer needs.

Outsourced IT & Cloud Services

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