Annual Maintenance Contracts for total IT Infrastructure Management for Companies


Hand Over your IT Hassles to Experts

Empower your technological progress with unwavering support. Our IT Support AMC Services fortify your IT infrastructure, ensuring seamless functionality amidst dynamic business challenges. Leverage our expertise for steadfast, continuous IT operations. Navigate your business confidently, minimizing disruptions and maximizing uptime. Together, let’s ensure your IT infrastructure remains an asset, not a liability.

Holistic Cyber Protection in the Cloud

Discover the advantages of streamlined operations, cost savings and robust tech solutions that drive SME growth and productivity.

Our state-of-the-art systems monitor your IT assets round the clock, identifying potential issues before they escalate.

Benefit from scheduled maintenance services to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your IT assets.

Our dedicated team is available 24/7, ensuring that any issues or queries are resolved promptly.

Stay ahead of the curve with regular software updates and security patches.

Our AMC includes timely repair or replacement of hardware components to minimize downtime.

Receive regular reports detailing the health and performance of your IT systems, along with recommendations for improvements.

Features & Benefits

Discover the advantages of streamlined operations, cost savings and robust tech solutions that drive SME growth and productivity.


Reduce unpredictable repair costs with a fixed annual rate

High Uptime

Minimal disruptions to your business operations

Expert Team

Access to certified experienced team of experts


Best practices governed up-to-date IT Ops

Our Process

How IT Setup Works for SMEs

Assessment & Strategy

Initial deep dive into your cloud setup to identify weak points and potential threats

Design & Architecture

Crafting a tailored security blueprint, integrating the best tools and practices


Seamlessly embedding security protocols without disrupting your operations

Maintenance & Updates

Ongoing support to ensure continuous protection against emerging threats


Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions about our services? Dive into our frequently asked questions below to get a clearer understanding of our offerings, processes, and the value we bring. Your clarity is our priority.

Who is this IT Support AMC suitable for?

At Bilsha Ltd, our services are for everyone. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises can maintain optimal IT operations without the need for a dedicated in-house team. Large Corporations can leverage this to complement their in-house IT team with specialized support and services. Start-ups can easily establish a robust IT foundation while keeping costs in check. Educational Institutions can rest assured a seamless digital experience for staff and students alike. Local businesses can optimized their costs and focus on core operations leaving hassles to IT experts.

How does your AMC service differ from regular IT support?

While regular IT support typically addresses issues as they arise, our AMC service is a proactive approach, offering ongoing maintenance and support to prevent potential issues. It’s a comprehensive plan to ensure continuous monitoring, maintenance, and optimization of your IT infrastructure.

Are software updates and patches included in the AMC?

Yes, our AMC service includes the regular deployment of software updates and patches to ensure the security and performance of your systems. We work diligently to keep your software environment up-to-date against evolving threats and compatibility issues.




What Our Clients Say

Hear from our satisfied clients and discover why Bilsha Limited is their top choice for cloud solutions, IT support, and seamless digital transitions.

Ali Levine

Partnering with Bilsha Limited revolutionized our IT. Zahin’s server hosting and software prowess, coupled with exceptional end-to-end support, let us focus on law, not tech hitches.

Zain Chowdhury

With Bilsha Limited’s help, our branches have never been more in sync. They’ve transformed our app, email, and software management, allowing us to focus on attending customer needs.

Every business is unique, and so are its IT needs.

Talk to our consultants to design a custom AMC package tailored to your specific requirements.

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